Rhode Island Open Meetings

Tools: React, React Router, TypeScript, Typesense (Elasticsearch alternative)

For our final group project for CSCI0320: Introduction to Software Engineering, we built a web application for searching public meetings in Rhode Island.


Rhode Island’s Open Meetings Act (OMA) requires public bodies to make most meetings open to the public, which includes posting meeting agendas and minutes online. However, the current open meetings portal has a number of usability issues.

Our team of four sought to create an improved search portal for searching and viewing information about RI open meetings, thereby making public data more accessible and increasing government transparency.

Concept Definition

Our teammate conducted six interviews with journalists, community leaders, and watchdogs to learn about issues with the current open meetings portal and what changes they would like to see in an updated portal.

The interviews produced valuable insight into how various stakeholders make use of open meetings data, as well as lots of potential features that could be added to the portal. We identified two key pain points which we believed we could address with our project:

  1. Users can’t search meetings by keyword
    • Solution: Enable full-text search of meeting minutes and agendas by scraping PDFs uploaded to the state open meetings portal.
  2. Body names are unintuitive, and have to be entered exactly as they appear in the portal. Typing in the body field of the current portal gives a limited list of autocomplete suggestion, but isn’t typo-tolerant.
    • Solution: Enable fuzzy searching and facets for public bodies.

We created prototypes of the search and meeting info pages that addressed these two pain points, while improving the portal’s overall navigation and information hierarchy.

An image of the current portal's search page, showing an interface
    with inputs for a meeting date range, public body name, and dropdown
    with the label 'Refine Your Search'
The current search page.
An image of the redesigned search page. At the top of the page, 
    there is a search bar labeled 'Meeting or Public Body'. Below the 
    search bar, on the the left side of the page, there is a sidebar with
    with a date range filter and facets for public bodies. To the right 
    of the sidebar, there is a sort dropdown, then below that, example
    search results. Each search result shows the meeting body, date, address, 
    and a snippet of the matched text.
An initial redesign of the search page.
An image of the current portal, with a modal showing meeting information.
    There is a table titled "meeting information" with info such as body name, 
    date, time, etc., and a section titled "Agenda" containing a link titled
    "Agenda filed on Jan 31 2019, 11:25AM by Philip Hervey".
The current meeting info display.
An image of the redesigned meeting info page. The page heading states
    "Barrington Planning Board | 3/25/2018". Below the heading, there is a section
    containing the meeting time, address, date filed, and contact person. Next, 
    there are "Latest Agenda" and "Latest Minutes" sections containing links 
    titled "View PDF" and plain text versions of the agenda and minutes, respectively
An initial redesign of the meeting info page.

Technical Design

Next, we wrote a document detailing our project’s requirements and specifications.

To define project requirements, we wrote six user stories for developer and end user stakeholders. We could measure our project’s success by how many of these stories we fulfilled. An example of a user story might be:

Additionally, we wrote four extra user stories to represent stretch features, such as scraping new meetings from RI’s RSS feed for upcoming meetings.

We designed the technical specification using the Model-View-Controller pattern.

A diagram showing the relationship between the applications front and back-end
    using boxes and arrows. The diagram shows that the React application sends an
    API request to the server endpoint on the back-end, which communicates
    with the TSearcher to send another API request to the Typesense server. At
    the same time, a Python web scraper generates meeting data, which is then 
    indexed into the Typesense server.
A simple system design diagram of our web application. (TSearcher is the Java class which searches meetings using Typesense's Java API client).


Our final web application allows real-time, full-text search of public bodies and meeting agendas/minutes, with options to filter by body or date.

Search results contain basic meeting info and highlighted snippets of search term matches. Clicking on a search result allows users to see additional information about a particular meeting and view plain text or PDF versions of the meeting agendas/minutes.

Using the final product to search and view details of meetings about standardized testing.

Ultimately, we scraped 279k meetings, 137k of which we successfully indexed into the Typesense server!

My contributions to the project included:

If we had more time, I would have liked to: